【Highlighter荧光笔】点石易 | Press-type按压式 | 淘宝

这是一款按压式的荧光笔,牌子是点石易。这套荧光笔是我在淘宝淘的,我会把相关网址放在文章的最后 ⇩
柔光系的颜色酷似Zebra Mildliners,不过这套笔的价格相对的较便宜。但是,如果使用力道过大 笔头容易开叉,毕竟一分钱一分货嘛~

This is a press-type highlighter. This set of highlighters was bought from Taobao, I will put the relevant URL at the end⇩
This set of highlighters is divided into soft-color and fluoresecent-color. My recommendation is the soft-color set.
The colour is similar to Zebra Mildliners, but the price of this set of highlighters is relatively cheap.
However, if you use too much force, the tip of the pen is easy to split, 
Besides that, this set of highlighters has only one square tip.
The point of this set of highlighters is that it is a push-type! This is why I like to use it😍
The push-type highlighter is really convenient, you can save the time to open and close the pen cover, and don't worry about the loss of the pen cover.
However, the size of this set of highlighters is a little bit big to fit in a small pencil case. So I recommended using it at home.


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