2020 Kinbor Weekly Planner


2020年我使用的是时间轴式的Kinbor Weekly Planner。
但是,我在这本手账里也加入了一些子弹笔记的元素(Bullet Journal)。

一,本型小 轻便
二,印好的格式 不需每月画格子
三,价格人性化 平民我负担得起

如果想知道更多关于这本周计划以及我的使用方法 可以到我的Youtube频道去看哦~ 

In 2020, I use the timeline Kinbor Weekly Planner. Somemore, I also added some bullet journal elements into this planner.

The main reason for using Kinbor
1. it is small and light
2. doesn't need to draw grid every month
3. the price is humanized

If you want to know more about this week's plan and how I use it, you can go to my Youtube channel to watch it~
The URL is attached below.


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